Endopäivät 2018
71st Annual Meeting of the Finnish Endocrine Society

1.-2.11.2018, Biomedicum 1, Helsinki.

Osallistumislinkki: https://www.lyyti.fi/preview/Endopaivat2018

If you submit an abstract and it is accepted for oral or poster presentation, registration is free of charge. Please prepare your abstract according to the instructions and send it directly to Leena Karlsson (leena.karlsson@utu.fi). If your abstract is accepted, you will receive an acceptance e-mail and no further registration is required (you do not have to fill in the online registration form). Some of the research abstracts will be selected for short oral presentations that will be included in the scientific sessions. The rest of the abstract will be presented as posters in a poster session.

“Potilastapaukset” will be presented in a separate session in Finnish (Potilastapaukset ja kliiniset abstraktit). Clinical abstract can be submitted in Finnish and presented in the same session with “Potilastapaukset” OR  in English and presented in the scientific sessions or in a poster session.

Presymposium 30.10.2018


Perinteinen presymposium järjestetään Hotelli Scandic Park Töölönlahti -hotellissa 31.10. Diabetesaiheinen luentosarja on rakennettu yhdessä MSD:n kanssa, joka vastaa tilaisuuden järjestelyistä. 

Olemme varanneet kokoushotellista hotellihuoneita Endopäivien osallistujille. 
MSD maksaa 31.10.-1.11.2018 välisen hotelliyön kauempaa tuleville osallistujille.